Author Guideline

Journal of System Dynamics (JSD) is a publication media for original manuscripsts related to Systems Modelling and Sciences, Environmental Policy and Management, Disaster Mitigation, Regional Planning, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Environmental Sciences, Ecotourism, Biodiversity, Environmental Economics, Public Communications, Social Sciences, Social Anthropology, Environmental Health written in bahasa Indonesia or in English. JSD is published three times a year (on April, August and December). Manuscripts accepted for publication in JSD may be in form of a scientific research paper (maximum during the past 10 years), a policy analysis or a research note.

JSD covers topics related to Systems Modelling and Sciences, Environmental Policy and Management, Disaster Mitigation, Regional Planning, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Environmental Sciences, Ecotourism, Biodiversity, Environmental Economics, Public Communications, Social Sciences, Social Anthropology, Environmental Health.

Manuscripts shall be original, have not been published previously in any scientific journal, are not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any media during the review process, unless the authors have officially withdrawn the manuscripts from JSD. The statement must be stated in a statement of originality and copyright release form (Form A). JSD uses similarity check powered by Turnitin to prevent any suspected plagiarism in manuscripts. Manuscripts shall be written in accordance to the JSD manuscript writing guideline.



  1. Scientific research paper

Scientific research paper refers to manuscripts which contain a series of thoughts obtained through research or observation, at least during the past 10 years. Scientific research paper aims to dessiminate information on series of thoughts objectively, logically and systematically to the readers, and to prove the truth of the hypothesis of the study.

  1. Policy analysis

Policy analysis refers to manuscripts that contains systematically structured review or analysis aiming to understand the substance of a certain policy, issues/problems that may be answered through the implementation of the policy, as well as potential issues that may arise if the policy is implemented. Policy analysis looks at various aspects of the policy in order to produce complete information.

  1. Research note

Research note may be in the form of discussion notes on development of new ideas, theoretical perspectives, research programs or methodological approaches in a study. Research note shall have clear grounds for its opinion, understandable, as well as supported by theories and methodology. The role of research note is as a media for new ideas from the study.



Authors shall register through webpage and submit a softcopy of manuscript online. Figures and tables included in the text shall be submitted in a separate folder containing files in their original format (.xls, .xlsx, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF) to simplify the editing process.

Manuscripts received by the editorial office will be sent to the editor. Editor will select and shortlist the manuscripts. The editor has the right to reject a manuscript if the manuscript is not in accordance with the scope, category and writing guidelines of JSD. The editor will ask authors to make improvements/revisions before the manuscript is sent to reviewers.

Shortlisted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by minimum two experts in the concerned field. Corresponding authors will be informed by e-mail on the progress of their submission.

After the review process by the two reviewers, most likely the manuscript will be returned to the author with minor or major repairs. If the manuscript is rejected, author can improve his overall manuscript based on the review result and send the edited manuscript back to undergo the procedure once again. Lengthy assessment process for each script demanded



  1. Scientific research paper

Scientific research paper refers to manuscripts which contain a series of thoughts obtained through research or observation, at least during the past 10 years. Scientific research paper aims to dessiminate information on series of thoughts objectively, logically and systematically to the readers, and to prove the truth of the hypothesis of the study.

  1. Policy analysis

Policy analysis refers to manuscripts that contains systematically structured review or analysis aiming to understand the substance of a certain policy, issues/problems that may be answered through the implementation of the policy, as well as potential issues that may arise if the policy is implemented. Policy analysis looks at various aspects of the policy in order to produce complete information.

  1. Research note

Research note may be in the form of discussion notes on development of new ideas, theoretical perspectives, research programs or methodological approaches in a study. Research note shall have clear grounds for its opinion, understandable, as well as supported by theories and methodology. The role of research note is as a media for new ideas from the study.



Author whose paper is accepted for publication in Journal of System Dynamics is subjected to pay 40 USD or IDR 500.000 per article.






The writing of manuscript submitted for publication in JSD must refer to this guideline. For template, please refer to the JSD template available at the webpage. The template applies for all three categories of manuscripts.

Manuscript is typed with Microsoft Word program (.doc or .docx format) on A4 size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with an inside margin of 3 cm, and margin of 2.5 cm for the other three sides. No limited of manuscript.

Decimals in paragraphs and tables are written using a dot (.). Thousands in numbers are marked using comma (,).



  1. Title

Title for manuscripts is written in both English and bahasa Indonesia. Points to be noted in writing the title are as follows:

  1. a) Does not exceed 15 words.
  2. b) Reflects the overall content of the manuscript.
  3. c) Does not contain abbreviations.
  4. d) Does not use the word "influence", "preliminarystudy", "some", "observation on".
  5. e) Usually does not contain verbs.
  6. f) Does not contain metaphores, poetry, proverbs.


  1. Author Name


Author name(s) and affiliation(s) represents the ownership on the manuscript. Therefore, there are points to be noted in writing author name as follows:

  1. a) Author name written on the manuscript will further be the name used for reference and citation on the article. For that purpose, authors generally write their last name on manuscripts (even though the last name is not the family name). Thus, do not abbreviate author’s last name on the manuscript.
  2. b) All names shall be written without titles.
  3. c) One author is the corresponding author, marked with *.
  4. d) All authors must be responsible for the content of the manuscript.
  5. e) The order of authors’ name in the manuscript often relies on the agreement among a team of researchers (for example between a student and its academic supervisor).
  6. f) Avoid including any name other than that those who contributed on the manuscript/ research.


  1. Authors’ Affiliation Name and Address

Authors’ affiliation name and address written on the manuscript is not only for the purpose of correspondence, but also contributes in raising the institution’s reputation. Therefore, there are points that must be considered in writing authors’ affiliation name and address as follows:

  1. a) Affiliation name and full address is written for each author, complete with postal code.
  2. b) Status of author(s) shall not be written, e.g. student, lecturer, proffessor.
  3. c) If the author is a student, the affiliation name and address shall be the name and address of the author’s university/institute and home institution (if any).


Example of the writing of author’s affiliation name and address:

First Antony Author1, Second Beniamin Author2, Third Cezary Author3  (JSD_author)


1 Opole University of Technology, Institute of Processes and Products Innovation (JSD_author_university)

2 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

3 Wrocław University of Technology, Institute of Production Engineering and Management



  1. Abstract and Keywords in English

Abstract is presented in English. Abstract consists of one paragraph with maximum 250 words. Abstract covers introduction, objectives, methods, results and major conclusions briefly. Implications of the research results could also be stated in the abstract. Abstract does not contain citations.

Keywords are written after the abstract, consisting of 3 to 5 words that are arranged based on alpha bethical order. Keywords may not always be a single word and may not be stated in the manuscript. Keywords are words that reflect the important concepts of the research and preferred to be not the same as the words used in the title.


  1. Abstrak and Kata Kunci in Bahasa Indonesia

Abstrak is presented in bahasa Indonesia. Abstrak consists of one paragraph with maximum 250 words. Abstrak covers introduction, objectives, methods, results and major conclusions briefly. Implications of the research results could also be stated in the abstrak. Abstrak does not contain citations.

Kata kunci are written after the abstrak, consisting of 3 to 5 words that are arranged based on alpha bethical order. Kata kunci may not always be a single word and may not be stated in the manuscript. Kata kunci are words that reflect the important concepts of the research and preferred to be not the same as the words used in the title.

Abstrak and Kata Kunci is a bahasa Indonesia translation of abstract and keywords.


  1. Introduction

Introduction is an opening to the core of article, which includes a summary of the research problems and theoretical studies. Introduction describes the background and the current state of the topic discussed, by presenting references, previous results of researches and studies. Introduction also includes research questions/objectives that will be answered through the research conducted. Therefore, there are points to be noted in writing the introduction as follows:

  1. a) Introduction describes the current status on the topic scientifically.
  2. b) Research questions/objectives are stated in the last paragraph along with a brief description the approach for problem-solving.
  3. c) Statement on the benefits of the research are not recommended to be written in the introduction. If the research findings are beneficial, they can be written on the Conclusions.


  1. Methodology

Methodology describes the research design, research object or sample, data collection process, and analysis techniques used. As for policy analysis, methodology contains a concise framework, scope of discussion, location and time of study, type of data, data collection techniques and data analysis.


  1. Results and Discussion

Results and discussion contains the results of data analysis, results of hypothesis-testing, answers to the research questions, findings and interpretations of findings. Results and discussion of policy analysis contains the results of data analysis according to its scope and objective. There are points to be noted in writing results and discussion as follows:

  1. a) Results are generally followed by illustrations (tables or figures).
  2. b) Each illustration (tables or figures) should be numbered consecutively and referred in the text so that the placing is not mistaken.


  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

(or Conclusions and Policy Implications for policy analysis)

Conclusions and Recommendations (or Conclusions and Policy Implications for policy analysis) is the end part of the manuscript. For scientific research paper and research note, this section contains main conclusions of the discussion and author’s recommendations on the follow-up of the idea referring to the research results. As for policy analysis, this section contains findings that refers to the study results, along with its implications.


  1. Acknowledgements (if any)

Acknowledgements (if any) may be delivered to certain parties who contribute to the research, including funders/sponsors/donors and research facility contributors. If the manuscript is a result of a research grant, the grant number shall be written. All names that are written shall be confirmed beforehand since they may prefer not to be published.


  1. References


References contain literatures cited in the manuscript. References are written in alphabetical order of the last name of the literature’s main author. References are typed with font size 10 points with spacing of 1.15. Sources with the same author (or group of authors) are written in chronological order. The references should be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance and should be complete, including authors’ initials, the title of the paper, the date, page numbers, and the name of the sponsoring society. We suggest authors to use reference management software such as EndNote (, Mendeley ( etc., to prepare citations and the list of references.

There are points to be noted in writing references as follows:

  1. a) Shall consist minimum 10 referred literatures.
  2. b) At least 80% of the referred literatures are published within the past 10 years.
  3. c) Minimum 80% of the referred literatures are journals.
  4. d) Avoid referring from popular books and internet.
  5. e) Literatures from the internet that are allowed as reference are those from government agency’s or private institution’s official website.
  6. f) Papers presented at a seminar, conference or symposium but not published in a proceeding book or other scientific publications are not allowed as reference.
  7. g) Abstracts are not allowed as reference.


Please compiles references as shown in the examples below.


[1] Sutasurya, L.A. & Riyanto, B., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, 8(1), pp. 20-25, Dec. 2005. (Journal)

[2] Sutasurya, L.A., Handojo, A. & Riyanto, B., Title of book, ed. 2, Publisher, 2007. (Book)

[3] Williams, J., Name of Paper, Name of Book, Name of the editor(s), eds., Publisher, pp. 67-69, 2006. (Book with paper title and editor)

[4] Suharto (ed), Title of Paper, Name of Proc., pp. 5-10, 2008. (Conference Proceedings)

[5] Name of the author(s), Title of paper (if available), Organization, URL Link, (1 April 2011). (URL Link)

[6] Nicole, R., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, submitted for publication. (Pending publication)

[7] John, K., Title of Paper, unpublished. (Unpublished manuscript)

[8] Rashid, L., Title of Dissertation, PhD dissertation, Name of Dept., Name of Univ., City, 2010. (Thesis or Dissertation)

[9] Jenny, P., Name of Institution, City, personal communication, 2010. (Personal communication)

[10] Name of the author(s), Title of Technical Report, Technical Report TR-0334 (34-56), Name of Institution, City, Dec. 2009. (Technical report with report number)

[11] Name of the author(s), Title of Paper in English, Name of Journal, 8(4), pp. 20-25, 2010. (Text in Indonesian and Abstract in English) (Use this if the references in Indonesian language).